BibleMax Dansk Bible 1.0
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BibleMax Dansk Bible 1.0

Free Read, study amd compare the Bible in Danish with this free module
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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Danish (Dansk) is a Germanic language spoken mainly in Denmark and in some regions of Germany. This free BibleMax module features a Danish translation of the Bible made in 1933. Little is known about this translation other than the date of publication. Nevertheless, one can tell that it is a Protestant version of the Scriptures since the dominant religion is the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark. As such, this version of the Bible features only those books that are considered as canonical by most Protestant denominations. Thus, you will not find several books that are present in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles, such as Tobit, Judith, Ecclesiasticus and the two books of Maccabees. Those books are collectively known as Apocrypha.
You will need to have the BibleMax core software installed in your system to run this module properly. It can be downloaded for free at the developer's site. And if you enjoy reading the Bible in many languages, there are many free modules in the most widely known languages. But if this is not enough for you, you can order the free CD-ROM containing dozens of Bible versions, as well as commentaries, references, maps, graphics and so on. You will only need to pay a small P&H fee.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Useful for study and comparison purposes


  • It only works with BibleMax core software



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